Frequently asked Questions

Q1 – How can you do a Year’s Worth of Piano Lessons in ONE Weekend?

A1 – Quite carefully, actually. We have to be very aware of how the brain is working – what the
brain needs to work and how each student is processing the material.

But the general things that are needed are:

  1. Very clear pictures, accessing the auditory, visual and kinesthetic aspects of the brain.
  2. A very paced speaking voice so that the brain has time to see and process the picture.
  3. Music at 60 beats per minute playing quietly in the background, for this makes learning easier.
  4. Color and more.

Whenever something new is created, there are usually 3 stages that are gone through.

  1. At first people ridicule it,
  2. Then it is opposed
  3. It is now accepted as being self-evident.

At Cercone, we have quietly been doing this workshop for 40 years, continually testing to see if things
work and have had continual success.

Q2 – Has this method ever failed? Is there anything frustrating about the Cercone Method?

A2 – When the Cercone Method is used completely, it has always worked. The frustrating part is that people often are not aware of the importance of the tools that the brain needs to facilitate easy learning. They then arbitrarily drop the tools they do not feel like using.

For rarely has student been shown the tools of the brain. It usually is “take out a piece of paper and pencil and learn!”

We realize that almost everything we do in life needs some kind of tools, whether a hammer, fork, dish, car, etc. But we have not been trained that the brain also needs tools.

Most try to force the brain to work in a way they choose without ever trying to find out
what their brain really needs.

Q3 – What if my child does not feel like practicing. I do not want him to dislike music. What do I do?

A3 – Music is critical for a good education and excellent brain development. No one “wants” to practice every time.

Just as children do not always want to go to school, do their homework or other responsibilities that they have at home, we still train them to do these because we know the value of doing homework and having responsibility.

We are not concerned whether the children “like” doing these tasks, we provide the training for a healthier life style


3000 S Jamaica Court, Suite 360
Aurora, CO 80014

Hours (by appointment)
Monday–Friday: 8:00AM–9:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM–3:00PM

(303) 552 0398